Malaria Must Die - Speak Up
David Beckham speaks nine languages to launch Malaria Must Die campaign.
Nike - Human Printing Press
Neat, impactful, cohesive sound design in this ADCN Award Winner for Sound Design
Booking.com - Booking.Yeah
The campaign that started it all. Check out Joe DiMaggio’s immaculate VO delivery.
Johnnie Walker - Less Talking, Keep Walking
Milla Jovovich focusses on her footsteps and embraces 14 different dialects. Cheers!
Zero Malaria - Draw The Line Against Malaria
Campaign continuing the message of Zero Malaria Starts With Me, featuring a host of African champions of the movement.
Tomorrowland x Budweiser - Infected
The furriest pandemic you ever did see.
Lellebel - Trailer
Promo for triple-selected drag noir short produced by Joe Togneri and directed by Quentin van den Bossche
Nike - What Are Girls Made Of?
Smart and disruptive piece of content which reframes this traditional Russian nursery rhyme.
Kia - 7 Years In 7 Seconds
Intense, calm, reassuring. Swift outline of the rigorous testing that Kia vehicles go through.
Vangardist - HIV Heroes
Moving film outlining the magazine’s decision to run an AIDS awareness issue printed with the blood from three HIV+ donors.